• Die italienische, portugiesische, brasilianische & spanische Buchhandlung in Berlin
  • Die italienische, portugiesische, brasilianische & spanische Buchhandlung in Berlin

Balé Popular do Recife: A Escrita de uma Dança

18,00 €
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Este livro apresenta a cronologia do Balé Popular do Recife, fotografias que mostram o cotidiano do grupo nos palcos e bastidores, além de um ensaio sobre a metodologia Brasílica.

Christianne Galdino (Recife) is a journalist and dance scholar, producer of the Grupo Experimental ensemble, editor and dance critic for the magazine Continente Multicultural (Ed. CEPE). She is a specialist for the relationship between traditional and contemporary dance as well as popular dance forms. She is the author of „Balé Popular do Recife: a escrita de uma dança“ (Balé Popular do Recife: A Dance’s Handwriting), Ed. Bagaço, 2008. She is a board member of the Movimento Dança Recife association. The Balé Popular do Recife, active for the last 32 years, developed and taught the Brasílica technique. On the basis of an overview of the ensemble’s history and the Brasílica technique, the dialogue between traditional and contemporary dance will be described. In the process, the multi-faceted forms that originated there will also be highlighted. For some of these dance forms Pernambuco’s choreographic work and dance education are well known. To understand this phenomenon more fully, one began to uncover the memory of local stage dance. Thus the founding of the Balé Popular do Recife in 1977 was made possible. An analysis of the most important past members demonstrates how this ensemble’s work continues to have an effect and be productive. Here the historical importance of the Balé Popular do Recife and its work became clear. As a source of impulses for artists of popular culture, it contributes to the vibrancy of local culture in society and is an important foundation for the establishing of many new groups and dance ensembles.

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português do Brasil
Christianne Galdino